
PrecISE Trade� is the new front-end application replacing CLICK Trade�.
PrecISE Trade will include all current CLICK functionality, including:
- Market and Limit Orders
- Spreads
- Buy-writes and Delta Neutral Orders
- Block Orders
- Facilitation Orders
- Solicitation Orders
- PIM Orders
- Cabinet Orders
- Stop Orders
- Post-Trade Allocations
PrecISE Trade will feature Away Market Routing (AMR), which will enable a trader to route orders to other
options exchanges. Away Market Routing will require an Intermediate Routing Destination (IRD) to act as
conduit and agent for routing to all other options exchanges.
From a single workstation you will be able to access the other five options exchanges. Traders will be able to clear away-markets by submitting IOC and FOK orders.

The Software License Agreement should be returned to:
Ronan Cahill
International Securities Exchange
60 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004

For more information on PrecISE Trade, please contact Jeanine Hightower of ISE Business Development at
212-897-0357 or [email protected].
For more information on Connectivity and/or Away Market Routing, including participating Intermediate
Routing Destinations (IRD), please contact Jon Nadel at 212-897-0248 or [email protected].