International Securities Exchange, Inc. - Company Overview - Board of Directors


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Board of Directors

The ISE Board of Directors has fifteen members, eight of whom are non-industry public Directors. There are six representatives of member firms on the Board: EAMs, CMMs and PMMs each elect two representatives. The President of the Exchange is also on the Board. The Board has regularly scheduled meetings quarterly and meets otherwise when necessary.


Peter J. Bottini
Executive Vice President of Trading/Customer Service
optionsXpress, Inc.

Edward Boyle
Vice President, Equity Derivatives
TD Securities

Sean Flynn
Options Trader
Timber Hill LLC

James V. Harkness
Chief Operating Officer and Principal
Wolverine Trading, LLC

Jason Lehman
Head of Global Volatility Arbitrage
Citadel Investment Group, LLC

William A. Porter
Managing Member, Casey Securities, LLC


Frank J. Jones, Ph.D., Chairman
San Jose State University

John F. Marshall, Ph.D., Vice Chairman
Marshall, Tucker & Associates, LLC

Barbara B. Diamond
BBDiamond, LLC

Mark P. Kritzman
Managing Partner
Windham Capital Management Boston

Sarah A. Miller
Director of the Center for Securities, Trust and Investments
American Bankers Association

Carleton Day Pearl
Financial Industry Consultant

Ivers W. Riley
International Securities Exchange

Richard Schmalensee, Ph.D.
Dean, MIT Sloan School of Management
Professor of Economics & Management


David Krell
President & CEO
International Securities Exchange, Inc.