International Securities Exchange, Inc. - ISE HOT Data FAQs

  ISE HOT Data
  Press Release

ISE Historical Options Tick Data (ISE HOT Data) - FAQs

Does this offering only include ISE historical options tick data?
How far back does your historical tick data go?
What is the actual data content?
What is the delivery format?
What is the size of the daily file?
What are the product offerings and the subscription fees?
Are there discounts for purchasing larger amounts of historical data (i.e., 6 months or more)?
How do I place an order for historical data?
Are there special terms and conditions that apply to the purchase, use and storage of this data?
What are the delivery methods for the historical options tick data?
How long it will take to get access to the FTP server to begin downloading data?
How long it will take to prepare and deliver the data for an ad-hoc request?
What delivery/storage mechanisms are used to deliver the data for ad-hoc requests?
How do I process this data?
Is there any software included or third party programs to process this data?
Can I request a specific subset of equity options (e.g., the 10 most active names), or is it all or none for the period specified?
Are there any prohibitions on redistribution?
Send other questions and requests

Does this offering only include ISE historical options tick data?

No. This is the full OPRA daily file which also includes ISE data.

How far back does your historical tick data go?

We currently we have tick history from June 1, 2005 to the present.

What is the actual data content?

We collect the full OPRA A/B broadcast except for foreign currency options from approximately 9:00 am to 5:15 pm ET. Please refer to Section 7, Field Descriptions, for a complete list of available fields at

What is the delivery format?

We collect and deliver data using the standard OPRA format. The data is split up over a number of separate files in alphabetical order. Each file is compressed to reduce delivery bandwidth and storage requirements.

What is the size of the daily file?

Currently, the average daily file size is approximately 15-16 GB compressed or 55-65 GB uncompressed. You will need to run WinZip 9.0 or greater to uncompress the file.

What are the product offerings and the subscription fees?

1) Daily download of the full OPRA Tick History The subscription fee for the daily end-of-day file is $1,500 per month, based on an annual subscription. Clients will download this file from a FTP server.

2) Ad-hoc query of the full OPRA Tick History The subscription fee for specific date ranges is $85 per day with a minimum order of $1000. There is an additional processing fee for a portable hard drive that we use to deliver this data, which is $499 for the first 400 GB of data and $399 for each additional 400 GB of data that is part of the same order.

Are there discounts for purchasing larger amounts of historical data (i.e., 6 months or more)?

The annual subscription fee offers a discount of approximately 15% over the subscription fee for ad-hoc requests.

How do I place an order for historical data?

Each order request requires a custom order form to be prepared. Please send requests for your order to [email protected] or call Jeff Soule at (212)897-8160.

Are there special terms and conditions that apply to the purchase, use and storage of this data?

Yes, a one page agreement with the terms and conditions will be sent with each order form.

What are the delivery methods for the historical options tick data?

There are two methods:
1) Clients can subscribe to a daily file of OPRA tick history, which is downloaded from a FTP server, or
2) Clients can submit an ad-hoc request for a specific date range, which is delivered on a portable hard drive.

How long it will take to get access to the FTP server to begin downloading data?

A subscriber will receive a user name and password within 24 hours of submitting the data agreement and order form.

How long it will take to prepare and deliver the data for an ad-hoc request?

The delivery time for ad-hoc requests depend on the amount of data and when we receive the order. If we receive an order before 10 am, the following delivery times can be expected: 1-3 months of data � approximately 3 business days 4-6 months of data � approximately 5 business days 7-9 months of data � approximately 6 business days More than 10 months please contact [email protected].

What delivery/storage mechanisms are used to deliver the data for ad-hoc requests?

We currently use Seagate external portable hard drives, which are retained by the subscribers. For product details, please visit

How do I process this data?

Some OPRA feed handlers may have the capability to read this data. Alternatively, an OPRA parser can be written using the OPRA data feed specification, which is available at

Is there any software included or third party programs to process this data?

No. However, there is a third party software provider that sells a data loader with an API. Please contact [email protected] for additional details.

Can I request a specific subset of equity options (e.g., the 10 most active names), or is it all or none for the period specified?

In the current phase, we do not process requests for subsets of data based on symbols. However, OPRA now splits the tick data into 24 separate files, so each daily file consists of 24 separate zipped files. The split up is done based on the first letter of the symbol for each security. Therefore, File 1 = A, File 2 = B, etc. so if you were looking for all of the options starting with �Q�, you would not need to process the complete daily file. Please refer to page 86 of the OPRA Data Interface Specification:

Are there any prohibitions on redistribution?

Yes. The terms specify that the data is for internal use only. We will consider redistribution requests on a case-by-case basis.

For any additional questions

Please send other questions and requests to [email protected].