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Competitive Market Makers
CMMs will be responsible for maintaining continuous quotations in a smaller group of assigned options than will be required for PMMs. There will be ten CMMs for each option.


  • Adirondack Trading Partners
  • Arbitrade Holdings
  • The Arbitrage Group
  • Banc of America Securities
  • Bear Specialist Inc./Hunter Specialists, LLC
  • Binary Traders Inc.
  • Botta Trading, LLC
  • Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc.
  • G-Bar Limited Partnership
  • GPZ Trading, LLC
  • Helios Holding LLC
  • Goldman Sachs & Co. and The Hull Group
  • JAS Securities, LLC
  • KBC Financial Products
  • Knight/Trimark Group, Inc.
  • MDNH Traders, LLC
  • Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.
  • Nordic Options, Ltd.
  • Omega Options, LLC
  • SG Cowen Securities Corporation
  • Timber Hill LLC
  • Wolverine Trading, LP.

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