Documentation Consultant
Tracking Code
Job Description

Documentation Consultant

� Develop internal Computer Operations Runbook and Procedural documentation.

� Maintain and improved information flow and knowledge capture for Operational Documentation and Runbook Updates

� Develop internal Operational Process and Policy documentation

� Act as liaison between departmental Technology Support Groups such as, UNIX, Windows system administration groups and central operations, in the development of Computer Operations Runbook and Procedural documentation..

� Manage Operational Documentation tracking.

Required Skills

  • Dedicated, well-organized, efficient, detail-oriented, excellent interpersonal communication skills

  • Team leadership and coordination, requirements development, specifications authoring, short-term problem solving, long-range planning, prioritization and resource allocation, process analysis, optimization and documentation\

  • Technology Operations Documentation and Runbook Creation
Job Location
New York, NY, US.
Position Type
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